Blooper Reel from Pumpkin Sally TV

Bloopers from Pumpkin Sally TV with host, Laura Hesse. Horses can be unpredictable at the best of times, no matter how quiet, as are neighbour’s dogs. Never shoot alone. I had lots of help standing by during these video shoots. Pumpkin Sally TV is a series of webisodes for kids and city slicker interested in horses, hobby farming, and ranching.  Visit:

Pumpkin Sally Productions: Episode 1 – The Write Track with Laura Hesse

laura & sal close jpegWelcome to what we have comically dubbed Pumpkin Sally TV.  We will be featuring a new series of web-episodes for all those city slickers out there who have dreamed of owning a horse, hobby farm or ranch. Stay tuned for more interviews.

Episode One:  The Write Track with Laura Hesse

An interview at the farm with Laura Hesse and her four-legged pals Pumpkin Sally, Shilo, Piper, Willow and Cloud. Meet the horse affectionately known as Pumpkin Sally and learn where Laura got her ideas for The Holiday Series of Young Adult and Teen novels. Click on this link: