Valentino – a new novel by Laura Hesse

I am hard at work converting the screenplay for Valentino into the last book in The Holiday Series. It was with great satisfaction that I was able to announce the screenplay’s third place status (family category) in the 8th Annual StoryPros Screenwriting contest earlier this year. The third place win was the kick-in-the-pants I needed to get back into writing.

While Valentino will be written for YA and teens, it will definitely have as broad a family appeal as Two Independents, but with a distinctly west coast flavour.

I will also be reworking my whole Holiday Series line-up with new covers and possibly a teen edition, based on the current screenplay under option, for One Frosty Christmas, as well as the renaming of Two Independents.

Stay tuned for more updates and a preview of Valentino over the next couple of months.

There is no time like the present to follow your heart and pursue your dreams.

Campbell River Totem


5 ways to get publicity with Steve Harrison!

This is a great video. I do quite a bit of freelance work for my local newspaper and make use of seasonal hooks to get my articles published. Recently, I re-published an article about the gifting of PSH George to HRH Queen Elizabeth II as a means of promoting the RCMP Musical Ride and their auction. Visit I scooped the competing newspaper and was awarded the contract to cover the event. This in turn has sparked 3 new paid articles. It not only boosts my on-line “face” but I can see a direct spike in sales of my equine series of books after a particularly interesting article is published on-line with my name on it. It goes hand-in-hand with my use of tags on my blog and Amazon book sellers site.

Hope all my fellow writer’s subscribe and watch Steve’s blog. Just follow this link.


E-book publishing success by Mark Coker

This is a free e-book, compliments of Mark Coker, at on e-book publishing.  This book is full of jewels and interesting tidbits…especially on how not to get fleeced by vanity presses, which I teach in my Novel Way of Publishing workshops, and the basics of e-book publishing, marketing and success. Success, no matter how you look at, such as one sale from someone you don’t know to thousands of sales across many platforms, comes through hard work, a good deal of luck, and a plan of action!  Check out this link and decide for yourself…and no this isn’t a paid announcement, lol: