It’s all in your mind

First stop was Parkswest Office Supplies for a $6.99 corrugated sheet of plastic board, a $3.99 box of index cards, and a couple of sharpies at $2.99 each. I could have chosen a blue, black or bright orange background, but I went for white, like the top of Mount Arrowsmith. I wanted my story board to be as clean and crisp as the sun on fresh snow. I wanted old school. I wanted to be able to look up and not down at my first words.

Next step: ink “Whisper” in the top right corner of my cold winter landscape and then let her rip!

I am using the Blake Snyder Beat Sheet as a guideline. Totally different way of working, and thinking, for me. I am halfway through using the template to rough-out the story line.

The story is as clean as my sparkling work space after a three hour cleaning marathon. Here’s to learning new things! Who says you can’t teach an old dog a new trick? Not me. lol

Is your spine straight?

Thoroughly enjoyed reading Blake Snyder’s book.

I know I need to edit a couple of my recent screenplays. I love the story, but knew in my gut that there was something missing in both of them.

Blake’s book helped me take a critical look at the story “spine” as he calls it in order to see where I needed to beef up the story and add more conflict.

Now, I just need to get my butt in gear and make the changes.