First chapter of One Frosty Christmas has been recorded.

The lovely and very talented, Leslie Howard, is the narrator for One Frosty Christmas. Leslie just sent me the first fifteen minutes of Chapter One two weeks early. I am so glad that I chose to use a professional voice artist instead of narrating the novel myself, especially one with Leslie’s talent (Here is a link to Leslie’s page on ACX).  I am bursting to share the audio preview clip with you and will post a link to the audio book version as soon as I am able.

If you are interested in joining Audible or already have an account and are willing to write a book review for me, I have 5 promo copies of the audio book to give away.

Email me at to be the first to review the audio book.


Gumboots, Gumshoes & Murder audio book

If you love audio books and cozy detective series, then you will be happy to learn that Gumboots, Gumshoes & Murder will be released in audio book form on Audible and Itunes by the end of November 2017!

I am thrilled to announce that I have partnered with an amazing voice over actor. Stay tuned for previews, coming soon.


Self Publishing 101 with Best Selling Author, Mark Dawson

Whether you are new to self-publishing or an experienced author, Mark Dawson has a podcast that will teach and inspire you. I have learned so much from both Mark’s personal experience and anecdotes to other authors in his podcast series who have been happy to share their own journeys.

Artists for Cancer Fundraiser

I was thrilled when I was asked by the president of Select Services Films if I would allow One Frosty Christmas to be a part of the fundraising effort for The Izzy Foundation which helps families with children with cancer. Of course, I said, “Yes, I am in”.  The film company has offered a production credit for the movie.

I wrote One Frosty Christmas after a cancer scare landed me in the hospital for major surgery in 2001. I was lucky. The cysts that were removed off of my spine proved to be benign and the related surgery done to remove suspect tissue was a success as well.

Cancer is borderless and crosses all age and face barriers. I lost both of my parents to cancer and numerous friends.

Without further ado, here is the link (just click on the list of items – film and TV):